====== The Hugo Project ====== **Discover honeypots in a box** ===== About the Project ===== Hugo is a project to create development and build environment for generating honeypot VMs. Based on Warden project -- a system for efficient sharing information about detected events (threats). Warden is a part of the CESNET Large Infrastructure project developed by the CESNET association. The system enables CERTS/CSIRT teams (and security teams in general) to share and make use of information on detected anomalies in network and services operation generated by different systems – IDS, honeypots, network probes, traffic logs, etc. – easily and efficiently. Hugo uses masterless puppet, python, bash and Gitlab CI to generate VMs with various preinstalled honeypots enabled for running and reporting to central information exchange server. ---- Supported as part of financial support to third parties (FSTP) within the project National Coordination Center in the Czech Republic (NCC-CZ, project no. 101127941) co-financed by the Digital Europe program. \\ {{:cs:en_co-fundedbytheeu_rgb_pos.png?nolink&200|}}{{:cs:ncc_logo.jpg?nolink&200|}}{{:cs:eccc_logo.png?nolink&200|}}