Discover honeypots in a box
Hugo is a project to create development and build environment for generating honeypot VMs.
Based on Warden project – a system for efficient sharing information about detected events (threats). Warden is a part of the CESNET Large Infrastructure project developed by the CESNET association. The system enables CERTS/CSIRT teams (and security teams in general) to share and make use of information on detected anomalies in network and services operation generated by different systems – IDS, honeypots, network probes, traffic logs, etc. – easily and efficiently.
Hugo uses masterless puppet, python, bash and Gitlab CI to generate VMs with various preinstalled honeypots enabled for running and reporting to central information exchange server.
Supported as part of financial support to third parties (FSTP) within the project National Coordination Center in the Czech Republic (NCC-CZ, project no. 101127941) co-financed by the Digital Europe program.